Monday 25 July 2011

The Beginning

Ok I'm not gonna talk about JYJ here. LOL

Just a short post to begin this blog. I decided to create a new blog so that I can spill all my kpop craziness without irritating anyone. Yeah some of my blog readers had had enough of my kpop obsession. oh no, I'm not talking about drop-by-readers but friends whom I created my blog for. Apparently they ain't kpop freak like me so I guess I'm gonna respect that. lol

Why "My Fangirl Perception"? Well, I derived that name from my personal blog's name whish is My Own Perception. It's something like....err trademark? Whatevs. Anyway, "My Fangirl Perception" also means in this blog I'm free to express my liking or disliking about this or that person related to kpop stuff. This is a blog anyway so please don't expect some kind of 'professional writing' or 'journalist ethics'.

I'll mainly do review in here. Or sometimes comments on articles featured in any kpop related sites. Might also post download links or download sites whatever but that depends.

Last but not least, I created this blog as some kind of memorabilia of my favorite past time, not to gain readers or whatever. My blog my rules, and the rules are simple.

  1. Only my thoughts count in here.
  2. In my blog, only my opinions matter.
  3. Also, regardless of the topic, I'm always right.
  4. And if you think I'm not, refer to rule #3


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